The research group announcint this job opportunity is an active partner in several EU projects dealing with archiving and distributing marine data. In SeaDataNet we developped DIVA, which is now the standard analysis tool for producing climatologies for the different regional seas around Europe and a plug-in for the well known package Ocean Data View. It has also been used in the EMODNET chemistry lot for producing statistics on major chemical parameters in the Sea. In addition a interactive web-visualisation tool exploiting the climatologies was prepared (OceanBrowser) and is now used for discovery services.
GHER has been awarded follow-up project SEADATANETII and new EMODNET lots in chemistry and biology EMODNET Assembly groups. The work in these projects will allow for a Ph.D. position with developping activities and oceanographic research.
The work will include development of new DIVA functionalities (multivariate analyses, dealing with glider data, correlated observational errors, analysis of abundance data ...), maintenance of the code (optimisation, dynamic allocations ...) , organisation of workshops and guidance of regional climatology production.
The candidate will also have time to apply DIVA to a scientific question, exploiting existing databases and the newly developped functionalities. These questions will be defined by the candidate in coherence with our group. Possible questions to be tackled are:
- Detection of correlation in Levantine Intermediate Water content with the North Atlantic Oscillation
- Quantification and time evolution of hypoxia conditions in the Black Sea
- Deriving abundance distributions of marine species (EMODNET Biology)
The work will be performed in the GHER group with strong interactions with other European groups, leading to interesting post-doc perspectives.
The candidate should have experience in statistical data analysis, programming under Linux/Unix and some notions in oceanography.
Candidates can send their application via email. The application should include a CV and a short letter of motivation. Applications can be send until the position is filled and the announcement removed from
Ph.D. position starting 1 July 2013.
Fecha de publicación: 28/06/2013